Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism Ministry (also called Witness Movement) is responsible for coordinating and spearheading the evangelistic activities of the Church. We believe that every believer is a witness for the Lord Jesus and so every member belongs to this ministry.


The primary goal of the Evangelism Ministry is soul-winning and making disciples for Christ. The ministry is responsible for encouraging New Converts to build up their faith once they accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. Another area of responsibility is to follow up on new converts, visitors and backsliders through visitation, phone calls and counseling.


The Evangelism Ministry teaches church principles and practices, tenets, doctrine and constitution. Members are also taught how to evangelize to the unsaved, pray, conduct services and lead worship. We pray for the growth of the church and intercede for the afflicted, the sick, the lost, etc. We also organize interesting programs such as outreach, debates, quizzes, drama, symposia, etc. for the equipping of the saints. If you want to become a good and effective steward for God, then join us. The Evangelism Ministry is thus not limited to any specific group of people.



Sons of God! March Forward!!

Victory! Through the Blood of Jesus!!

If you don't go to Heaven? Don't blame Jesus!



Elder Gabriel Gyamfi


Assistant Leader

Deacon Samuel Boakye



Photos: Evangelism Gallery